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We seek to equip vulnerable mothers through the local church.

It is our hope to become one family in Christ through partnership with pastors from the remotest of villages, coming alongside them with the fullness of the gospel so they, in turn, can bring the kingdom of heaven to God’s forsaken — single mothers and their children.

Our focus is three-fold: Church, Family, and Village. We seek to equip the Church with a (Biblical) Message, the Family with a (Sustainable) Model, and the Village with a Mission to save souls.

God has commissioned us to prevent tomorrow’s orphans by equipping today’s mothers through the local church. When the church becomes the cornerstone of a community, the downward spiral of poverty is upended as families work together to develop healthy, sustainable villages rooted in the love of Christ – and disciples are made in all nations.


With a Message.

We believe in the integrity of the Bible, and so we train Christian leaders who’ve had little to no theological education in a 21-course Biblical Ministries curriculum.


With a Model.

We believe in sustainability, and so we provide vulnerable mothers with microfinance loans and training.


With a Mission.

We believe Africa can help Africa and Asia can help Asia. By educating leaders and equipping families, we then assign the village with a mission to share these tools with others.

As a result, communities are able to care for their own in the name of Christ.
Our mission is to help people like Antonia, who lives in the garbage slums of Nicaragua. Her only shelter is cardboard and her source of food is whatever she can find amongst the trash she called home.

It’s to serve people like Chimwe, who lives in a village in Sudan with no access to clean water. Her children are sent with jugs down to murky brown creeks infested with bacteria and other unclean things that bring disease.

It’s to hear the cry of Moshe, an orphan who lives in Israel. His parents were killed in a suicide bombing. Every day, he and his sister dig through the garbage at night for the food they need to stay alive.

It’s to answer the desperate pleas of Brittney, who was trafficked and forced to perform horrific sexual acts for men who treat her as an object made solely for their pleasure and fulfillment.

We hear their cry. We see their suffering. And that is why we do what we do. Our mission is to answer the cry of the poor.

For Antonia, the answer was to build a permanent home for her and her family, so they could have shelter from the rain and wild animals. It was to give them chickens so they could have clean and sustainable food.

For Chimwe, it was providing a water purification system for her village so her village didn’t have to suffer from thirst. Now, her children can live a life free of disease that would’ve been inevitable because of the filthy water they were drinking from.

For Moshe, it was building an orphanage and helping to provide food and water for him and his sister so they could grow up with the love and care they need to survive.

For Brittney, it was providing support for raids and then providing the food and care she needed to recover from the trauma she experienced and live a normal life.

The cry of the poor is all around us. We live in comfort, so it might be hard to notice, but we hear it. Now, you can hear it too. Now, you can choose to answer their cries. This is our passion. This is our reason for existing. 100% of every penny given goes directly to the poor.

Whatever cause you give to, we guarantee that your donation will reach its destination. That is our promise to you. That is our mission. That is our cause.

Join us today and become an advocate for the poor. Answer the cry of others like Antonia, Chimwe, Moshe, and Brittney. Help us change lives. Our goal is to impact as many lives as possible, and you are the force that drives us forward. So, become an advocate for the poor today. 

We look forward to the future when no child has to suffer from hunger, thirst, or trafficking; where no mother has to wonder where she will get food for her children or where she and her children will sleep that night; where no one has to die from starvation or drinking dirty, contaminated water. 

Thank you for making that future possible.

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